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Open science is important.

At the end of each publication, you will find a link to the original article and the data and code.


Submitted articles:


Crozier L. G., Huff D. D., Gomes D. G. E. (submitted). Exploring uncertainties in salmon marine survival: insights from qualitative network modeling of climate impacts throughout the food web. ICES Journal of Marine Science.


Gould E., Fraser H. S., Parker T. H., Nakagawa S., Griffith S. C., Vesk P. A, Fidler F., Hamilton D. G., …, Gomes D. G. E., … [294 unlisted authors] (2023). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. EcoEvoRxiv Pre-print.



Peer-reviewed articles:


Gomes D. G. E., Ruzicka J. J., Crozier L. G., Huff D. D., Brodeur R. D., Stewart J. D. (2024). Marine heatwaves disrupt ecosystem structure and function via altered food webs and energy flux. Nature Communications. Data & Code BioRxiv Pre-print  


Gomes D. G. E., Ruzicka J. J., Crozier L. G., Huff D. D., Phillips E. M., Hernvann P.-Y., Morgan C. A., Brodeur R. D., Zamon J. E., Daly E. A., Bizzarro J., Fisher J. L., Auth T. D. (2024). An updated end-to-end ecosystem model of the Northern California Current reflecting ecosystem changes due to recent marine heat waves. PLOS ONE. Data & Code. Currently: BioRxiv Pre-print:


Braga P. H. P., Hébert K., Hudgins E. J., Scott E. R., Edwards B., Sánchez-Reyes L. L., Grainger M. J., Foroughirad V., Hilleman F., Binley A. D., Brookson C. B., Gaynor K. M., Sabet S. S., Güncan A., Weierbach H., Gomes D. G. E., Crystal-Ornelas R. (2023). Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaborative and reproducible research in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 00: 1-17. Code


Arrington, D.A., Harris R.J., Layman C.A., Gomes D.G.E. (2023). Leveraging Green Infrastructure for Efficient Treatment of Reclaimed Water. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN).  Data & Code


Cole H. J., Gomes D. G. E., Barber J. R. (2022). Bats in National Parks: An analysis framework and case study for understanding bat habitat use in protected areas. PeerJ. 10:e14509. Data & Code Article Vignette


Gomes D.G.E., Pottier P., Crystal-Ornelas R., Hudgins E.J., Foroughirad V., Sánchez-Reyes L.L., Turba R., Martinez P.A., Moreau D., Bertram M., Smout C., Gaynor K. M. (2022). Why don’t we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Article


Reed V., Toth C. A., Wardle R., Gomes D. G. E., Barber J. R., Francis C. D. (2022). Experimentally broadcast ocean surf and river noise alters birdsong structure. PeerJ. Article Data


Gomes D. G. E. (2022). Should I use fixed effects or random effects when I have fewer than five levels of a grouping factor in a mixed-effects model? PeerJ. Article Data & Code


Sweet K. A., Sweet B. P., Gomes D. G. E., Francis C. D., Barber J. R. (2021). Natural and anthropogenic noise increase vigilance behaviors in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Behavioral Ecology. PDF Data & Code


Takoukam A. K., Gomes D. G. E., Beck C. A., Keith-Diagne L. W., Hunter M. E., Francis-Floyd R., Bonde R. K. (2021). Diet composition of the African manatee: spatial and temporal variation within the Sanaga River Watershed, Cameroon. Ecology and Evolution. PDF Data & Code


Sedlock J., Gomes D. G. E., Rubin J., Woody S., Hadi B., Barber J. R. (2021). A phantom ultrasonic insect chorus repels low-flying bats, but most are undeterred. Functional Ecology. PDF Data & Code


Takoukam A. K., Gomes D. G. E., Hoyer M. V., Keith-Diagne L. W., Bonde R. K., Francis-Floyd R. (2021). African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) habitat suitability at Lake Ossa, Cameroon, using trophic state models and predictions of submerged aquatic vegetation. Ecology and Evolution. 00, 1-13. PDF Data & Code


Gomes D. G. E., Toth C. A., Bateman C. C., Francis C. D., Kawahara A. Y., Barber J. R. (2021). Experimental river noise alters arthropod abundance. Oikos. PDF Data & Code


Reed V., Toth C. A., Wardle R., Gomes D. G. E., Barber J. R., Francis C. D. (2021). Natural Noise Affects Conspecific Signal Detection and Territorial Defense Behaviors in Songbirds. Behavioral Ecology. PDF Data & Code


Gomes D. G. E., Toth C. A., Cole H. J., Francis C. D., Barber J. R. (2021). Phantom rivers filter birds and bats by acoustic niche. Nature Communications. Data & Code PDF


Gomes D. G. E., Francis C. D., Barber J. R. (2021). Using Past to Understand Present: Coping with Natural and Anthropogenic Noise. BioScience. PDF


Gomes D. G. E., Hesselberg T., Barber J. R. (2021). Phantom river noise alters orb-weaving spider abundance, web size, and prey capture. Functional Ecology. Data & Code PDF


Gomes D. G. E., Goerlitz H. (2020). Individual differences show that only some bats can cope with noise-induced masking and distraction. PeerJ. 8:e10551. Data & Code PDF


Gomes D. G. E., Giulliana A., Barber J. R. (2020). Time of night and moonlight structure vertical space use by insectivorous bats in a Neotropical rainforest: an acoustic monitoring study. PeerJ. 8:e10591. Data & Code PDF


Levenhagen M., Miller Z., Petrelli A., Ferguson L., Shr Y.H., Gomes D., Taff D., White C., Fristrup K., Monz C., McClure C., Newman P., Francis C., Barber J. (2020) Ecosystem services enhanced through soundscape management link people and wildlife. People and Nature. PDF


Gomes, D. G. E. (2020). Orb-weaving spiders are fewer but larger and catch more prey in lit bridge panels from a natural artificial light experiment. PeerJ, 8, e8808. PDF Data & Code


Gomes, D. G. E., Halfwerk, W., Taylor, R. C., Ryan, M. J., & Page, R. A. (2017). Multimodal weighting differences by bats and their prey: probing natural selection pressures on sexually selected traits. Animal Behaviour. PDF Data & Code


Gomes, D. G. E., Page, R. A., Geipel, I., Taylor, R. C., Ryan, M. J., & Halfwerk, W. (2016). Bats perceptually weight prey cues across sensory systems when hunting in noise. Science, 353(6305), 1277-1280. PDF Data & Code

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